- lose one's shirt
- lose all that one owns
English contemporary dictionary. 2014.
English contemporary dictionary. 2014.
lose one's shirt — {v. phr.}, {slang} To lose all or most of your money. * /Uncle Joe spent his life savings to buy a store, but it failed, and he lost his shirt./ * /Mr. Matthews lost his shirt betting on the horses./ … Dictionary of American idioms
lose one's shirt — {v. phr.}, {slang} To lose all or most of your money. * /Uncle Joe spent his life savings to buy a store, but it failed, and he lost his shirt./ * /Mr. Matthews lost his shirt betting on the horses./ … Dictionary of American idioms
lose one's shirt — To lose all one has • • • Main Entry: ↑shirt * * * informal lose all one s possessions … Useful english dictionary
lose one's shirt — ► lose one s shirt informal lose all one s possessions. Main Entry: ↑shirt … English terms dictionary
lose one's shirt — inf idi lose one s shirt, Informal. to suffer a severe financial reverse … From formal English to slang
lose one’s shirt — tv. to go broke; to lose everything of value, even one’s shirt. □ I lost my shirt on that bank deal. □ Try not to lose your shirt in the market again … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
lose one's shirt — lose a lot of money I think he is going to lose his shirt on that new business venture … Idioms and examples
lose one’s shirt (to) — Lose a significant amount of money. ► “U.S. investors did venture abroad from time to time. But they often lost their shirts especially in the Latin American and Weimar Republic bond defaults of the 1930s.” (Wall Street Journal, May 28, 1996, p … American business jargon
lose\ one's\ shirt — v. phr. slang To lose all or most of your money. Uncle Joe spent his life savings to buy a store, but it failed, and he lost his shirt. Mr. Matthews lost his shirt betting on the horses … Словарь американских идиом
lose one's shirt — verb To lose all of ones money; to go broke; to undergo financial ruin or disaster. Since nearly losing his shirt in a business deal a few years back, he investigates new opportunities more cautiously … Wiktionary